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She is a very caring and professional individual

I have been seeing Natalie for acupuncture treatments over the past four years. The main reason I started was due to the fact that I was suffering with allergies for about 10 months out of the year. I was constantly getting sinus infections and I was absolutely miserable! Once I started treatments I could tell a difference right away. I was having fewer allergy attacks and sinus infections. Now, I feel like a different person. I rarely have sinus infections and when I do have an allergy attack, the symptoms are less problematic and shorter in duration.

Natalie has also helped me with digestive problems, stress, and psoriasis. She also relieved some pain I was having due to ovarian cysts. When I am starting to get a cold, the treatments reduce congestion and help me get better faster. I feel like my immune system is a lot stronger due to acupuncture treatments.

The best part about receiving acupuncture from Natalie is that she is a great listener. She is a very caring and professional individual. You know you are in good hands from the moment you step into her office!

-Angie T.

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